“The Simpsons,” the long-running animated sitcom, shocked fans with the recent death of one of its beloved characters. Larry the Barfly, who had been a fixture at Moe’s Tavern for...
In a fiery courtroom showdown in Manhattan, tensions reached a boiling point as Judge Juan Merchan presided over the high-profile hush money trial involving former President Donald Trump. The trial...
In a surprising twist during the trial of former President Donald Trump in New York, the testimony of a crucial witness, David Pecker, appeared to deliver a significant blow to...
In a move that has eyebrows raising and heads shaking across the nation, the Biden regime, hot on the heels of an embarrassingly quiet photo op at a Sheetz gas...
In what can only be described as a scene straight out of a political drama, the NBC crew, including Steve Kornacki and Kristen Welker, were visibly shaken as they reported...
ICYMI – The immediate thought about someone who insists that they’re a gender other than the one they obviously are is that they have mental issues. The truth is this...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to enjoying your morning cereal without a side of existential dread, the World Health Organization (WHO) decides to drop a...
In a twist so rich with irony you couldn’t make it up if you tried, conservative political commentator and YouTuber Benny Johnson found himself on the receiving end of the...
In a world where reality often trumps the wildest fiction, a story emerges from Brazil that’s so bizarre, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s straight out of a dark comedy...
In what can only be described as the latest installment of the courtroom drama surrounding the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ saga, a peculiar turn of events unfolded that seems more...