Ah, here we go again—another leftist tantrum, another storming of a government building, and another convenient media cover-up. This time, it’s happening in Iowa, where so-called “trans rights activists” decided to descend upon the State Capitol in protest of a bill that would remove “gender identity” from the state’s civil rights protections.
Now, if we were following the precedent set by Democrats in 2021, wouldn’t this be labeled an insurrection? Shouldn’t we be hearing endless CNN think-pieces about “democracy under attack”? Shouldn’t the FBI be hunting these people down and throwing them in solitary confinement for “trespassing” in a government building? Or—let me guess—it’s only an insurrection when conservatives do it?
Iowa’s Bold Step Against Gender Ideology
The legislation in question, House File 583, is a massive win for sanity. It aims to remove gender identity as a protected class, reversing the left’s decades-long effort to inject radical gender ideology into our laws. Of course, the activists who showed up to the Capitol weren’t happy.
According to The Des Moines Register, protesters packed the building, chanting nonsense like “No hate in our state!” while waving their rainbow flags. Capitol security reported that over 2,500 activists flooded the building—compared to a usual 600 on a typical day.
Sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it? A huge crowd breaching a government building, shouting, disrupting official proceedings… But I don’t see any headlines calling this an attack on democracy.
Democrats’ Favorite Double Standard
Let’s not forget, peaceful J6 protesters were thrown in prison, called “domestic terrorists,” and denied basic rights, all because they dared to question a fraudulent election. Some didn’t even enter the Capitol, yet they were arrested for simply standing outside.
Now, contrast that with what’s happening in Iowa. Hundreds of activists barged into a government building, disrupted hearings, and intimidated lawmakers—yet the left is calling them “brave activists.” Really?
Where are the FBI raids? Where are the months-long investigations? Where is the outrage from the media? Oh, that’s right—this isn’t about actual “democracy” or “rule of law.” This is about power and who is allowed to protest.
The left loves rewriting the rules when it suits them. But Americans aren’t stupid. We see exactly what’s happening—and we’re not buying the hypocrisy.
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