In a bombshell interview that sent shockwaves through the nation, Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, gave a platform to Larry Sinclair, a man making sensational claims of a...
In an electrifying turn of events, Paul Landis, a Secret Service agent on duty during the tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, has broken his silence, raising...
The stability of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership is now hanging by a thread. Threats from within his own party and mounting pressure from conservative demands have put McCarthy in a...
On Friday afternoon, CNN unveiled a never-before-seen video of President Trump during his deposition in the case brought against him by E. Jean Carroll, who accuses him of raping her...
In a surprising turn of events, New Hampshire’s popular Republican Governor, Chris Sununu, has announced that he will not be seeking re-election in 2024. Sununu, who had been considered a...
Hold on to your seats, folks! The sensational saga of Owen Shroyer, a highly talented journalist and sidekick to Alex Jones, is reaching fever pitch. In an outrageous twist, DOJ...
In a stunning turn of events that has left liberal media outlets reeling, former President Donald Trump continues to command the political stage despite a barrage of negative press and...
In a shocking revelation that has sent waves of disbelief across conservative circles, Mark Meadows, the former Chief of Staff under President Trump, appears to have betrayed his one-time boss....
In a shocking development that has set the political world ablaze, leaked information has revealed a dire situation within Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign. The bombshell revelations, which include desperate pleas...
In a shocking turn of events that’s left conservative circles reeling, the founder of the DeSantis Super PAC, John Thomas, has delivered a scathing critique of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis....